Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Day 9 - Artist Village of Ein Hod

As a big fan of the Julia Cameron books, most notably "The Artist's Way", I have always been intrigued with the concept of an "artist date".  Which is simply a date with yourself (aka "alone time") where you go somewhere that stirs you creatively - a place designed to inspire the artist within you.  The location of an artist date can range from a river-walk to a gallery stroll. 

When I learned about the Israeli village of Eih Hod, it sounded like the ultimate place for an artist date.  It was founded in 1953 and it is the only "Artist Village" in Israel and one a very few in the world.  The residents of this little locale include 150 artists and their families.  Considering the population of the entire settlement is only 559, that's a lot of artists! 

To figure out what attracted the high volume of artists, here is a description from Ein Hod's official website:

"Nestled in the heart of the Hof Carmel region, among olive groves and fruit orchards, the village glides down mount Carmel green hills to the sea shore."

Sounds gorgeous doesn't it?

Ein Hod has 22 galleries, 14 art workshops, 2 museums and 14 rooms for rent to tourists. The workshops include printing, sculpture, photography, silk screening, music (vocal), ceramics, mosaics, design, stained glass, lithography and blacksmithing.  In addition, they have a "village square" that is surrounded by art shops, cafes, and restaurants. 

While I would like to spend time, strolling through all the galleries and workshops, I think I'd just be happy wandering around the village and enjoying the scenic views.  I can envision just breathing in all the artistic energy.  How awesome it would be to do my "morning pages" in such a place.

Visiting Ein Hod is going to the top of my list. What a unique and wonderful little gem this artist village must be.