Friday, April 20, 2012

Day 25 - Dayenu

This week I took a day for myself and went to the beach.  It was a gorgeous sunny California day and I had the entire beach to myself.  I was able to really get my fill and spend quite a few hours there.  I walked along the shore.  Did lots of people watching.  And, wrote in my journal.  It was wonderful - except for the sunburn I am now recovering from.  Oy!

As I was writing in my journal, I began to wonder if I could ever get enough of the ocean?  Somehow, just watching the waves crash against the shore stirs my soul - like nothing else can.  I wondered if I lived in California, on the Pacific Coast, would I eventually grow complacent of sitting on the beach.  I truly wondered if it was possible for me to ever get enough?

Which reminded me of the song - Dayenu - that we sing at Pesach.  Well, actually it's the song that all families but mine (my hubby & sons HATE singing anything) sing at the Seder tables during the celebration of Passover.  Dayenu (pronounced "die-aye-new") is a Hebrew word/phrase that means "It would have been enough".  This incredibly upbeat song is over one thousand years old and is essentially about being grateful to G-d for all the gifts he gave the Jewish people.

For instance, taking them out of slavery, giving them the Torah, giving them Shabbat, etc.  The idea is that if G-d had just given the Jewish people one of the gifts - Dayenu - it would have been enough.  So the idea behind the song is to recognize each and every gift that life (or G-d) has given you.  We need to count ALL our blessings and be grateful for what we have.

As is the case with most things in life, sometimes it is the journey - not the destination.  Sitting at the beach the other day, I realized that I grateful for all the wonderful experiences I've had watching the tide roll in.  While I know that gazing at the ocean is the fuel the fires my soul - I now know - that if I never got to see the ocean again - Dayenu!  I am just so grateful for all opportunities I've had to be by the sea.

This all lead me to reflect upon my journey to Israel.  At this point in time, I have no idea how this is all going to come together.  While my WHY is very clear, my HOW is not so clear.  However, each day, I continue to dream and blog about the trip of a lifetime, somehow believing that if it's meant to be... I will get there.  So while Israel may be the destination - I am enjoying the journey - every step of the way. 

Just like the song we sing at Passover:

If only I had the dream to go to Israel - Dayenu!
If only my friend Sue suggested I make that dream a goal - Dayenu!
If only I had come up with the idea to go to Israel in 1000 days - Dayenu!
If only I had decided to blog about those 1000 days - Dayenu!
If only I really get to Israel at the end of the 1000 days - Dayenu!
If only I get to spend Chanukah in Israel - Dayenu!
If only I get to spend Passover in Jerusalem - Dayenu! 
If only I get to see at least one thing I have blogged about - Dayenu! 
If only I get to visit every place I blogged about - Dayenu!!!