Saturday, March 31, 2012

Day 5 - In Her Footsteps

My mother took a trip to Israel (twice actually) when I was a kid.  Just like me, going to Israel was her dream too.  Being that she was a working mother, as well as divorced, this must have been a challenge for her.  She needed to save enough money to go.  Get the time off work.  And, find someone to take care of me (I was only 12 at the time).  Somehow, she found a way to make it happen.

On route to Israel, the Yom Kippur war broke out.  My mother was in England at that time, deciding to make a stopover and visit her father in London.  With news of the war, it was assumed that my mother would cancel her plans.  Undetermined, my mother pressed on.

I remember hearing a story about being on the plane - from London to Tel Aviv.  The passenger beside my mother asked if she was a journalist, as the Press and soldiers were the only other people on board.  When she revealled that she was "just a tourist", the guy announced this to the whole plane and everybody clapped.  I guess they thought that my mother had "chutzpah" (yiddish for "a lot of nerve") to a visit a country during a war.

Yesterday, when I was talking to my mom on the phone (she's 80 now), I asked her if she would take on a project for me.  I asked her to record all the places that she visited during her first and/or second trip to Israel.  When I go down to visit her in May, I am going to go through her photographs and scan some of them in.

I think that it's always interesting to walk in the footsteps of others.  To take a moment when you visit a place and try to envision it at another time - through the eyes of someone else.  It's kind of a great way to connect with other moments in time.