Monday, February 10, 2014

Day 685: Change of Plans

There is a great quote by the great "Jewish Philosopher", Woody Allen:

“If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans.” 

~ Woody Allen

So there I was, thinking that I had a solid plan on when I would travel to Israel. On the day that I first created this blog, I set a specific intention on exactly when I would be going to visit Israel. I even got clear on how long I wanted to go for. However, I wasn't too clear on the HOW.

But, being the woo woo kind of person that I am, I decided to say "Yes" to the whole thing. I somehow just figured that if it was meant to be, it would all work out somehow. After all, during the course of my life I have made many "leaps of faith" that worked out perfectly. The trick to this attitude is not become too attached to the answer. Which means, that you sometimes have to realize that the universe may likely tweak your goal and give you something even better than you originally thought of.

So a couple of months ago, my hubby and I decided to go out for coffee and talk. It had been quite awhile since we got out of the house and really had a good heart-to-heart about our life and where it was heading. One thing that came up during that chat was that my husband was actually not very happy with my plans to go Israel. Not because he had any issue of me going there, but more at not being included in the equation. Little did I realize that he thought 100 days was a little bit too long for us to be apart. So with that in mind, we started talking about "what it would take" for him to come with me.

One thing led to another, and we started to get a grander vision of maybe 100 days was thinking too small. If I really wanted to get a feel for what it is like to live in Israel, travel to all the places listed on this blog, then maybe we should plan a much longer trip.  Especially since I am now very determined that a big part of going to Israel is to document my adventures in a book.

At this point, I am not sure if my original departure date will work for both my husband and I traveling together.  Especially since my youngest son will still be slugging out his time in High School. So the trip might need to be delayed for a few more years... so that we are in a better position to pick up and leave the United States for an extended period of time.

However, not being the kind of person who throws the baby out with the bathwater, I am not willing to let go of my original departure date.  Perhaps it won't come into fruition of the 100 day trip I planned. However, maybe it might evolve into an abbreviated trip that I take by myself.  At the very least, it gives me a target to work towards... instead of a "someday we'll go to Israel".  I hate "someday" as it is just too vague and never seems to materialize.

 So in the meantime, I will continue with my plans. Continue with this blog.  And just keep moving forward towards that lofty goal of mine.